Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chasing Sam (Vegas Mates #1) by Krystal Shannan

Chasing Sam (Vegas Mates #1)
by Krystal Shannan
Contemporary Erotic Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Categories: Action/Adventure, Shifter
Publisher: Self-Published/Indie
Heat Level: Steamy
Length: 78 pages

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Samantha Demakis doesn’t want a mate right now. Her birth-rite and family obligations to her status as the first daughter of a noble family beg to differ. In fact, even her wolf seems to be against her. When a chance encounter reveals the man who might just be a perfect fit, will she run? Or will she fight?

Chase Michaels has been alone for seventy-five years. He’s fought in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan in the US Army. Somewhat resigned to never finding his true mate, he is shocked when his wolf reacts so strongly to a woman he runs into in the airport. Unprepared for the politics and snobbery of the noble families, Chase finds himself fighting in a different type of war —a war for the heart of a woman he knows should be his.

A lot of things are chasing Sam, but who or what will catch her in the end?

Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains adult sexual situations and/or adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers.

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Hallie pulled her legs up into the chair. Sam noticed her look of discomfort. She had something she wanted to add to the conversation, but didn’t want to rock the boat. Hallie was a twin, but she was a very different personality compared to her identical sister. Tess was loud and proud and in your face happy most of the time; whereas, Hallie was quiet and much more reserved about her state of mind.

“I think you should give the guys a chance, Sam. They came from all over. One is here from Italy, Riccardo Savona. He’s from one of the oldest noble families. Another man, from a California family requested permission from Daddy to meet you. I think Daddy said the third man was from Brazil.”

Sam shook her head. It didn’t matter. She didn’t care. “Hallie, you may be fine with letting Mom and Dad pick out your matched mate, but I want to have a say in it and I don’t want to be matched until after I graduate.”

“Sam,” Nicole broke in, “would you choose to disgrace our family?”

Sam turned and clambered up from the floor onto the couch next to Nicole. She couldn’t believe all her sisters were really okay with having their mate picked out for them. She glanced at Tess, who also seemed to be waiting patiently for her answer to Nicole’s question.

“If I were to mate with a wolf outside of the noble family, would you think me disgraceful? If I merely wanted the chance to … let’s say … add a name to the list for the hunt … would that be so bad? Would it be so terrible to want the match to be someone your wolf desired?” She laid it out there. Why not?

Krystal Shannan
Love and Destiny in all Realms
About the Author
Krystal Shannan is a born, raised, and current TEXAN. She is married to a wonderful man who supports her dream of writing and allows her to spend many evening and weekend hours glued to her laptop. During the day she moonlights as an elementary music teacher. In addition to a doting husband, a young daughter is also part of the picture and keeps her hopping! An ornery little Welsh Corgi completes the household.

Krystal has been writing stories since she could hold a pencil. She has always dreamed of writing romance and sharing the "movies in her head" with the world. If she's not writing, she's reading -historical, paranormal, action, adventure -anything she can get her hands on that ends with a Happily Ever After!

If you are interested in receiving emails when new new books are released, please sign up for her distribution list here.

Author of Open House:
Pool of Souls Book 1 - Amazon | Smashwords | ARe | Kobo | B&N
A Very Russian Christmas - Amazon | ARe | Decadent | Smashwords | BookStrand
Finding Hope: Pool of Souls Book 2 - Coming Soon!

Website | Blog| Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

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1 comment:

  1. My favorite paranormal creature is the vampire.
